We just want to encourage you to really pursue God in a fresh way this year. It may seem like we are pushing you a little more this year, than in times past and that so happens to be true.
The reason is because we have been given a short window of opportunity and we want to take advantage of the short time that we have to reach out to family and friends this year.
The reason we believe we have a short time is because of the series of world events that are coming into focus, that will eventually bring opposition beating on our own doors.
We firmly believe that persecution is coming to the church in America. It won’t be long before pastors will be arrested for speaking out against abortion and homosexuality. It won’t be long before any one of you could be arrested simply because you are a follower of Jesus Christ.
For some of you, being in Urban Life has been a challenge on many levels. You find yourself in a church where you are expected to keep up with various Sunday, online, and prayer schedules. You may wonder, “Why can’t we just do the same thing every week?”
That’s because we must get in the habit of living with a plan, not a ritual of religious repetition. We can no longer live oblivious to times and seasons. We need to be aware of what’s going on in the world around us and how it relates to what is being taught in our church.
For several decades, most Christians have lived with their eyes on heaven, and therefore ignoring the importance of knowing what’s on next week’s schedule, what they need to be preparing for next month, and what they should anticipate doing by the end of the year.
One of the reasons demonic forces and the people who are heavily involved in the occult and witchcraft, have been able to successfully oppress Harrisburg is because they have a plan. They live on a schedule and have events and agendas planned out for this week, this month, this year, next year, and for many years into the future. These plans have been targeted against YOU and your family.
Meanwhile, the average Christian Believer, in Harrisburg, doesn’t have spiritual plans and insight. They don’t have wisdom for what God wants them to do by the end of this week, much less, next month, or by the end of the year. They are more in tune with their personal work schedule, than they are the prayer schedule of their church. If we are to overcome in perilous times, this pattern must change.
We’re not trying to be mean or insensitive, but it’s time for the Church of Harrisburg to wake up to the reality that we are NOW in perilous times. Crime and violence have broken out in this city in waves that have never been seen before.
We can’t stress it enough. We cannot live in oblivion any longer. We have got to make prayer, praise, worship, the Word, and fellowship with our brothers and sisters, a top priority. Those of you who live in this prophetic flow can identify with this exhortation.
As a Church that places emphasis on the family, this may sound like a contradiction to what we have been preaching for nine years. But it’s not.
The truth is; if you want your family to be healthy and strong, then God and His Word must take priority, even before your family. We didn’t say the Church or the ministry, but God and His word.
If you really want your spouse, children, cousins, nieces, nephews, parents or grandparents to make it through the dark times that are upon us right now, then it’s time to get them all out from underneath the bondage and addiction of television, entertainment and the chase for money and pleasure.
They faithfully get up to go to work or school. They faithfully make it to practices or rehearsals. They can spend hours surfing the internet, playing video games or talking on their smart phones. They know every thing about Beyonce, Scandal and the Preachers of L.A. However, they are all knocked out and dead-man exhausted and tired EVERY Sunday morning. Something is wrong with that.
Meanwhile, witches and warlocks have been seen faithfully walking up and down Front Street, every morning, including Sundays, chanting and casting spells upon the people of this city.
It’s going to take a new level of faith and action for you and your family to make it in these perilous times. As you know, the Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.” It’s time to get the Word of God for your family. We’re NOT going to let some demon worshippers be more committed to their gods, than we are to our God!
It’s the Year of the Open Door, so let’s step up to the challenge while the window of opportunity is open. Come into the presence of God, with the people of God. You’re going to have to be intentional about it. The same way we are totally aware of every date and time we must be at work, at school, or at some other special event, we have to prioritize our time to worship together, receive the word together, and pray together.
We hope that our leadership over the past few weeks, months and years, has shown that we are being led by the Spirit of God. Even when we got discouraged and was ready to quit, HE still kept leading us.
Something is about to break forth against this nation again, and we will all need to be ready for it AHEAD OF TIME. After the next thing that hits us, it will be too late to start scrambling and trying to get a Word from God. We feel this just as strongly as every word that we’ve ever given to you in times past.
This is the window. This is the time. Please come while the table is spread and the feast of the Lord is available.