Today I announced the decision to cut back from meeting EVERY Sunday to only meeting TWO Sundays per month. Even though it seems crazy to do this in a time when pastors and ministries are scrambling and doing everything they can to gain members and add resources and income, I KNOW that God has spoken to me on this one.
Immediately after I got home from our gathering; after disclosing to our small church family that we are going to sacrifice quantity of gatherings for quality of gatherings, I checked out my facebook stuff and found this:
There's a difference between quitting and stopping.
Quitting is giving up before the goal is reached.
Stopping is a choice to end a specific activity, and continue to move forward in a different direction.
Quitting is associated with guilt and implies failure.
Stopping brings perspective, responsibility, restores balance, protects and preserves goals and resources (not to mention sanity), and plants the seed of hope. - Carl Prude Jr.
Carl is a one of our dearest and most genuine friends, colleagues and brother in our life. I receive this as a confirmation from the Lord today.