Our journey continues in this New Year and now we're about to launch into another vital step through the open door that has been set before us.
This year, we're going to learn more about the Lord by following His life. From the announcement of His birth, to His ascension into the sky, we are going to discover the mystery and ministry of Christ.
As you know, the second and fourth Sundays of each month, have been dedicated to teaching. These two Sundays have been set aside to teach the Urban Life family to do the work of the ministry. We are going to learn the art of stealth in carrying out the mission and purpose of God in our lives. There is no better way to learn how to do this than to look to the author and finisher of our faith.
We can hardly wait to get together with you this Sunday and take our journey through the life of Christ. Our only request is that you come to this week's gathering with an open heart and mind. We want you to bring a notebook and prepare to take notes as we teach and tell the story of Jesus.
This won't be done in the traditional method of teaching. Just know that you will hear God speaking to you. And when you hear Him, you will want to capture what He's saying to you and write it down. Then, throughout the week, you can follow up on the spontaneous words with personal study.
As the Spirit of God was dealing with us about what to do in 2014, He specifically spoke to us through His word: And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself. John 12:32 (NKJV)
Jesus spoke those words to signify how He was going to die. However, the principle of that thought applies today as we lift Him up in the 21st century. It's not that He is going to be crucified again, but that we will gain a greater understanding of the significance of His birth, life, death and resurrection.
Other than sermons and random references, have you ever taken a careful and methodical walk through the life of Jesus Christ? Well, that's what we're going to do. And we trust that as we take this journey, twice a month, we will all gain a new revelation of our savior and Lord.
This type of teaching may seem like it has nothing to do with your current problems in your marriage, family, job, or physical body, but just stop and think about it. Those people, back in the ancient days when Christ walked the Earth, simply HEARD about Jesus and what they HEARD caused them to go to Him. We believe the same thing applies to us today.
What you need is faith! And how does faith come? The Bible says it comes by HEARING the Word of God. Come and hear! Come and take the journey with us. What have you got to lose? Sleeping an extra hour or two on a Sunday morning won't solve the problem. We have learned that if you make the effort to GO and GET a Word from God, that you will never, ever be disappointed.