During each prayer-watch, we ask you to join us in a 31-day prayer pledge.
What is a 31-Day prayer pledge, you ask?
It is 31 days of committing to seek God in a very specific and united way.
As you already know, we’re going to be part of a national prayer gathering at the Hershey Giant Center on Saturday, August 16th, but for Urban Life, it’s more than just one day. We are dedicating the entire month of August to prayer.
We want to invite you to join us on a 31-Day Prayer Pledge. Take the challenge and let's anticipate God's intervention in our hearts and homes.
We want you to take the prayer guide that we gave you last week, called ‘For Such a Time As This’ and starting with Day-One of the guide, let’s get united in prayer.
The prayer guide provides a daily scripture and prayer for our country’s government leaders, businesses, educators, media, churches, military, and families. We're asking you to take some time each day to read the prayer for that day. Then spend a few minutes in prayer about what you read.
On Wednesdays, we're asking you to fast at least one meal that day. During that meal time, please read the prayer guide, spend some time in prayer or log onto our Urban Life Weekly Post Blog page to receive encouraging words from the video clips that we will post throughout the day. Every Wednesday we will fill the Blog site with encouraging video clips from special teaching moments at Urban Life.
If you take the pledge you are declaring that:
1. You will daily read and follow the 'For Such a Time As This' prayer guide.
2. You will kneel in prayer daily, reminding yourself that you are under authority.
3. You will commit to fasting, every Wednesday in August, for the healing of our city, state and nation.
4. You will daily worship the Lord Jesus who saved you.
5. You will daily recommit your life to God and His Kingdom assignment for your life.
The reason we are asking you to join us in this prayer pledge is simply because we believe that this is the best thing we can do for our community, state, region and country.
The state of our nation is so desperate that there is nothing humanly possible that can be done to save us. Kids are romping through the streets, randomly attacking people. Shootings and violence are out of the control of law enforcers. Efforts are being made to make America a police state. Strong efforts are being made to subjugate and convert this nation by very powerful social, religious and political groups. Our economy’s total collapse is a matter of WHEN and not IF it will happen. Disease, plagues, famine, and pestilence are now in the news, right here in America.
We will either sink into chaos and anarchy or some powerful movement will sweep in to take over this nation. We are praying for a move of God because if it’s anything else that takes over, we believe we are in for one of the darkest periods in the history of the United States.
What can one small band of Believers do in the face of all of this? We can pray. We can unite with other Believers and pray. And we will pray.
Starting this Friday, August 1st, we will begin praying together using our prayer guide and our Weekly Blog to keep us united.
Are you ready? Let’s answer the call to pray!