Last year, we received a phone call from someone who was searching for a church. We had none of the things on their wish list. Unlike times past, the fact that we could not meet their requirements did not discourage us or make us feel like we were lacking in some way.
Instead, a fresh revelation came to us. We didn't have what this person was looking for because that's not what we were placed in Harrisburg to do. We're not here to meet the needs of church-hopping Christians. We're here to build people. We're here to build families. We're here to fulfill the great commission. We're here to make disciples of all nations. We're here for the people who have a desire to be part of those things.
Then the Holy Spirit quickened our thoughts with the realization that over the last ten years, we've been more like a ministry training center. But we're not a ministry training center in the clergy sense of training.
We are literally a FAMILY MINISTRY training center. We're equipping Believers to minister to their families, friends, neighbors, coworkers and classmates. Most of the people that attend Urban Life's prayer gatherings will not stand in a pulpit. They will simply be servants of God in their homes and neighborhoods. They won't be famous or well known, but they will be effective in their circles of influence. They will be mighty warriors in the Kingdom of God, in everyday life.
After that phone call, we updated the official ministry description to:
URBAN LIFE is a family-focused, New Testament ministry that equips Believers to do the work of the ministry. This weekend gathering of Christian Believers meets in an office building, for worship, prayer, fellowship, conversation and practical instruction that teaches them how to give their time, talents and treasure into the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
The unique strategy of offering a family atmosphere with engaging conversation, provides the preparation and tools that empowers Believers to minister to their families and friends. We believe change can come to the urban world with the love and power of God flowing through households and families every day.
Urban Life Family Center is dedicated to the restoration of the urban community through the healing of hearts and homes.
This narrative best describes the mission, vision and strategy God has given us in this era in America. After making a serious attempt to start a church, restart a church, and then settling into a weekly prayer gathering in the Pennsylvania United Church Center, we have surrendered to the molding and shaping of the Holy Spirit.
It's amazing to look back over the last 5 years of hosting sessions in a cafeteria and various conference rooms, and seeing how God simply would not allow us to venture into the traditional or the modern methods of holding church services. So far, we haven't been able to establish a worship team, a children's ministry, a youth ministry, a men's group, a women's group, adult small groups or do any of the things that are supposed to draw people to a church.
It has become very clear that God was not structuring us in the traditional or contemporary understandings of a church. He had obviously drawn very specific people to this ministry and it was obvious that He was drawing us together for something other than what we had in mind.
Why is it important that we talk about these things in this week's email? Mainly, because this understanding will bring greater unity and agreement as we each discover and lock-in to the various roles and responsibilities each of us must embrace as we take the church back into our homes.
Through the years, we have ministered to and released several individuals and families. Earlier this year, we had a Sunday session in which we prayed for and commissioned every family to move forward in this family-building mission. Since that prayer session, each family has had incredible challenges, but God is using them to be salt and light within their households and extended relatives. Even though most of families that we released that day, can no longer attend the weekly Urban Life sessions on a consistent basis, the point is that they are moving forward in the will of God, having been equipped and prepared.
Through these experiences, we have come to understand our apostolic role in this city. God sends people to Urban Life to be equipped for ministry outside of the church building. Even as they are being equipped, we are required to release them. That's why we are seeing the revival of our house church ministry. We have a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in someone's life through this FAMILY-MINISTRY mission that the Lord has placed in our hands.