Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fruitful Living Review and Updates (August 2024)


Fruitful Living Monthly Connections

As you know, Fruitful Life is a community and ministry for all of us who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and side tracks. We are all turning to God and coming alongside others who will listen, offer support, and pray with us through the journey. 

We are now preparing for the official marking of 20 years of ministry and service in south central Pennsylvania. We completed the editing of our first three podcasts and they will go live during our 20-year anniversary commemorations throughout the month of September. Chris will celebrate his 65th birthday on September 8th. 

During the month of August we began the process of resetting and streamlining our work. We will discontinue the Community Site and connect with our followers through the private Facebook group page. 

We thank you again for your support and prayers.

Here’s what’s happening now:

20th Anniversary Podcasts

Responding with CARE Podcast with Chris and Carol Green  

Premieres Sep 8, 2024

Episode #1: Chris and Carol will introduce their podcast which will commemorate their journey over the last 20 years by interviewing extraordinary people who responded to their communities with CARE.

Responding with CARE Podcast with Tannon Herman 

Premieres Sep 15, 2024

Episode #2: Chris and Carol Green interview Tannon Herman as part of the commemoration of their journey over the last 20 years by highlighting extraordinary people who responded to their communities with CARE.

Responding with CARE Podcast with Amethyst Roberson 

Premieres Sep 22, 2024

Episode #3: Chris and Carol Green interview Amethyst Roberson as part of the commemoration of their journey over the last 20 years by highlighting extraordinary people who responded to their communities with CARE.

New Midweek Connection Schedule 

Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Connection as we unite from coast to coast in the United States.


Wednesdays at 7:00PM Eastern Time, USA

The Zoom link is

1st Wednesdays: Prayer Watch – Corporate intercessory prayer 

2nd and 4th Wednesdays: Spiritual Wellness Support Group

3rd Wednesdays: STEP Forward Life Institute –monthly Live Zoom Bible study and class

The Latest Blogs

Articles, News and Updates

Community Connections

Books and Publications

Processed for Success 

Renovation in Hearts and Homes

Health and Wellness

Mental Health and Wellness Support


NEW: Self-Care Essentials: R.I.S.E. (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC) 

Beyond the Altar (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC) 

Christianity and Mental Health (Uniting Faith and Counseling) 

Elephant in the Room: Mental Health and Wellness in the Church 

STEP Forward Life Institute

....So you can Be who God called you to Be In Your Family and Community

New STEP Forward Overview video

Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity 

Fruitful Life Education Certificate Courses 

Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses 

Staying Connected

Join the Fruitful Life Learning Community’s Facebook Group

This is the best place to keep up with prayer requests and ongoing updates and reports on what’s happening in one another’s lives. 


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Fruitful Living Review and Updates (July 2024)

Fruitful Living Monthly Connections
Greetings Fruitful Life Family, Friends and Followers:
As you know, Fruitful Life is a community and ministry for all of us who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and side tracks. We are all turning to God and coming alongside others who will listen, offer support, and pray with us through the journey.​
July Highlights: We took a sabbatical/ break. However, before taking that break we were invited to make a very special presentation to our county’s human service partners and agencies. We were also able to conduct our first interview with one of the ministry leaders that we financially support every month. Carol completed her master mental health coaching certification. Even while we were on sabactical our automated system continued to post weekly clips and messages.
We thank you for your support and prayers.
In Case You Missed It, here’s what’s happening now:
New Midweek Connection Schedule
Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Connection as we unite from coast to coast in the United States.
Wednesdays at 7:00PM Eastern Time, USA
1st Wednesdays: Prayer Watch – Corporate intercessory prayer
2nd and 4th Wednesdays: Spiritual Wellness Support Group
3rd Wednesdays: STEP Forward Life Institute –monthly Live Zoom Bible study and class
The Latest Blogs
Articles, News and Updates
Carol Green Earns Board-Certified Master Mental Health Coaching Credential
Chris and Carol Green Present CARE-Readiness Model to County's Human Service Agencies
Community Connections
Books and Publications
Processed for Success
Renovation in Hearts and Homes
Health and Wellness
Mental Health and Wellness Support
Self-Care Essentials: R.I.S.E. (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC)
Christianity and Mental Health (Uniting Faith and Counseling)
Beyond the Altar (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC)
Elephant in the Room: Mental Health and Wellness in the Church
STEP Forward Life Institute
....So you can Be who God called you to Be In Your Family and Community
New STEP Forward Overview video
Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity
Fruitful Life Education Certificate Courses
Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses
Staying Connected
Join the Fruitful Life Learning Community’s Facebook Group
This is the best place to keep up with prayer requests and ongoing updates and reports on what’s happening in one another’s lives.
Enroll in the Hearts and Homes Community Page
This is the best place to catch weekly postings of video clips that provide encouragement, teaching, insight and wisdom.



Monday, July 1, 2024

Fruitful Living Review and Updates (June 2024)


Updates from January to June 2024

Greetings Fruitful Life Family, Friends and Followers: 

As you know, we came through a very trying and difficult season from 2019-2021. We learned a lot about our limitations and unrealistic expectations. Since that time we have made many changes and part of that has meant emphasizing the original call that God gave us for the ministry of Fruitful Life. 

Fruitful Life is a community and ministry of “presence" for people who are just like us; who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and sidetracks. We are all turning to God and coming alongside others who will listen, offer support, and pray with us through the journey. 

During the month of June we began our new Midweek Schedule. We also updated and reproduced one of our books from 2015 and republished it under a new title. We continued to post new Fruitful Living podcast entries. We completed and added two new courses in the STEP Forward Life Institute. And at our attendee's request, we began working on lesson outlines and notes for the monthly LIVE STEP Forward Life Institute sessions. 

This month we received a powerful testimonial from Hosea and Amethyst Roberson, which they shared in our last Spiritual Wellness Support group session. 

We also received the wonderful news that AJ and Shavaun Jackson (aka Givers of Hope) who are domestic missionaries serving in the Nashville, TN area, had a car donated to them. Please join them in giving praise to God for this awesome breakthrough in their pioneering journey in that community. 

Special note* We will be unavailable for a great deal of the month of July. We are taking a sabbatical/ break, followed by a trip to St. Louis, Missouri to assist in the round-the-clock care for both of Chris’ parents. We look forward to seeing a few family and friends, as well. We thank you for your understanding, support and prayers. 

Also, watch for Mental Health Courses that will be made available on the STEP Forward Life Institute's web page by Amethyst Roberson (MA, LPC, NCC, CMLC). 

In Case You Missed It, here’s what’s happening now: 

New Midweek Connection Schedule

Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Connection as we unite from coast to coast in the United States. 

Wednesdays at 7:00PM Eastern Time, USA

The Zoom link is 

1st Wednesdays: Prayer Watch – Corporate intercessory prayer

2nd and 4th Wednesdays: Spiritual Wellness Support Group

3rd Wednesdays: STEP Forward Life Institute –monthly Live Zoom Bible study and class 


The Latest Blogs

Articles, News and Updates


Community Connections


Fruitful Living Podcast Series Expands


Book by Chris and Carol Green

Just in time for Summer and July 4th Holiday

Revolution in Hearts and Homes 


Health and Wellness

Mental Health and Wellness Support


Mental Health Awareness Month: Self Care Presentations


Christianity and Mental Health (Uniting Faith and Counseling)


Beyond the Altar: Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC


Elephant in the Room: Mental Health and Wellness in the Church


STEP Forward Life Institute

– Add to your faith…. Knowledge. Continue to be equipped and empowered for the work of the ministry in your home and community.


New STEP Forward Overview video


Spiritual Warfare Training Course


Add to Your Faith Foundation


Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity


Fruitful Life Education Certificate Courses


Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses 


Staying Connected 

Join the Fruitful Life Learning Community’s Facebook Group

This is the best place to keep up with prayer requests and ongoing updates and reports on what’s happening in one another’s lives. 


Enroll in the Hearts and Homes Community Page

This is the best place to catch weekly postings of video clips that provide encouragement, teaching, insight and wisdom. 



Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Chris Green Earns Master Mental Health Coach Certification

Today, Chris Green officially became a Board-Certified Master Mental Health Coach (BCMMHC) upon completion of the mental health specialization program: Crisis Response and Trauma Care, administered by the American Association of Christian Counselors through Light University. 

“Many of our religious and civic leaders have been misinformed and still approach this issue from ignorance, stigma, fear, and very bad theology,” Chris explains.

Many still believe that all people need to do is just quote a scripture, say a prayer, and God will take care of the mental health issue by injecting peace into their minds. But God says through Biblical text, that His people perish because of the lack of knowledge. In this aspect of our human experience, we suffer from debilitating ignorance.

In response to this errant mindset and theology, we just wanted to get educated, trained and empowered to address this crisis by learning from other, more knowledgeable and experienced Christian organizations and institutions who bring a balanced and holistic approach to helping individuals and families who are struggling with mental health challenges. We wanted to immerse ourselves in proper education, so that we could better understand the mental health crisis in our own families and communities."

This specialization program in Crisis Response and Trauma Care involved 24 hours of training and exams that prepares leaders to come alongside of those who are hurting, and to help the interventionist properly and adequately respond when a traumatic event happens. The good news is that God is always with us in our trouble, and He has no greater plan than to work through His people as a conduit, to provide a "ministry of presence" that speaks to people in crisis, that God will make a way.

This specialization course was preceded by a 41-hour rigorous training program that included:

 1.) First, the completion of a 14-session course called Foundations of Mental Health Coaching - This introductory course was designed to provide students with an orientation to the field of mental health coaching. Topics covered included the role and scope of mental health coaching within the local church, ethical guidelines and professional standards in coaching, crisis intervention techniques, and the integration of faith and biblical wisdom in coaching.

 2.) Next, the completion of a 14-session course called Mental Health Coaching Skills -The purpose of this course was to provide students with the fundamental theories and skills of Christ-centered mental health coaching. Key elements of the coaching process, included methods of change, listening, effective communication, giving hope, operating small groups, and counseling theory.

 3.) And finally, the completion of a 13-session course called Mental and Behavioral Health Disorders - This course introduced students to the fundamentals of mental and behavioral health disorders. Particular emphasis was placed on factors that cause mental disorders, as well as conventional treatments. Conditions discussed included addiction, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

As a Board Certified Master Mental Health Coach, credentialed by the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC), Chris has earned a voluntary global credential that trains and charges its recipients to maintain the highest clinical, ethical and biblical standards of practice.

“I'm very pleased to have earned this credential," Chris concluded. “Now my wife (Carol) and I are better prepared to assist people through our coaching business and ministry. We're also able to become a more successful connection and liaison between those who need help, and the very capable mental health professionals in our community. We are part of an army of mental health coaches that are being trained and deployed across the United States. It's a new day for those who have been suffering in silence in our families, neighborhoods, church pews, classrooms and office cubicles."

Chris and Carol Green are the creators of the CARE-Ready Life Coaching® model of inspiration, education and certification, and the founders of the STEP Forward Life Institute™, an online community service preparatory platform. Through their business and school, they empower people to become the change they want to see, and to become the kind and caring light this world so desperately needs.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Fruitful Living Monthly Review and Updates (December)

 (December Postings)

This has been an incredible year in which we have beheld our infinite all-knowing, all-wise God, Savior, Lord and Heavenly Father, move in our lives in ways that confounded and confused the wisdom of this world, and thwarted the plans of our enemy. We have come out of the fiery trials of 2023 as pure gold.

 We thank you for following and supporting us through 2023.

We will continue moving forward in the Word and Will of God in 2024.

 The Fruitful Life Learning Community is our online space for connection, encouragement and support for you. This ministry was launched as an intentional effort to help people of faith return to the simple mission and lifestyle that demonstrates God's love and healing to hearts and homes.

We are a community of Seekers, Students and Servants.

 Here's a summary and review of some of our special faith-building moments, prayer, teaching and victories during the month of December.  We pray that it encourages you and your family.


Prayer Watch

- "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 NKJV


Fight for Your Family


Prayer Agenda/ Daily Prayer and Devotionals




Spiritual Wellness Support Group

Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Prayer Connection as we unite from coast to coast in the United States.


-         Wednesdays at 7:00PM Eastern Time, USA

-         The Zoom link is


‘Nevertheless’ Kind of Faith


Endure Hardship (Do it Anyway)


When the Math Isn’t Math-ing


Godly Responses to the Pagan Origins of December 25th




News and Announcements


Enroll in the Hearts and Homes Community Page


Tryout the New Facebook Group


Christ-centered Life Coaching Certification Course Available 24/7  




Sunday Webcasts

– Replay and rehearse these profoundly powerful messages from the Sunday postings in the Hearts and Homes Community Site.


Virtue, Knowledge and Self Control (Part 2)


Perseverance and Godliness


Brotherly Kindness and Love


Godly Response to the Pagan Origins of December 25th


Expanding and Excelling in Exile




Householder’s Treasure

– Midweek short video clips that posted in the Hearts and Homes Community Site.


Who Will Go For God?


Prayer Changes Us


People Relate to Love


What if we do this the way God wants it done?




Books and Blogs


The Holiday Challenge


A Matter of Conscience


The Gift of Forgiveness


Giving Is Already Our Lifestyle


In Remembrance of Christ


Fruitful Living in Winter

Download your free copy at


Processed for Success

Get your free copy now at


Urban Apologetics: Cults and Cultural Ideologies: Biblical and Theological Challenges Facing Christians


Rest, Retreats, Revival and Other Comedies: You are Success in Process




Health and Wellness

Mental Health and Wellness Support


Christianity and Mental Health (Uniting Faith and Counseling)


Beyond the Altar: Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC


Elephant in the Room: Mental Health and Wellness in the Church




STEP Forward Life Institute

– Add to your faith…. Knowledge. Continue to be equipped and empowered for the work of the ministry in your home and community.


Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity


Fruitful Life Education Certificate Courses


Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses


