Sunday, April 30, 2023

Fruitful Living Monthly Review and Updates (April)

(April Postings)

Join the Hearts and Homes Community Site HERE

Prayer Watch

- "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 NKJV


Fight for Your Family


Prayer Agenda/ Daily Prayer and Devotionals




Spiritual Wellness Support Group

-         Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Connection as we unite from the east coast to the west coast of the United States.

-         Wednesdays at 7:00PM EST, USA

-         The Zoom link is




In Case You Missed It


We’ve launched a new Spiritual Wellness Teaching Series:

Seven Wisdom Connectors: The Acts 17 Strategy to Reach a Pagan Society


CARE-Ready Life Coaching® Receives USPTO Registered Trademark Approval




Sunday Webcasts

– Replay and rehearse these profoundly powerful messages from the Sunday postings in the Hearts and Homes Community Site.


Dynamics of Church Families (Q & A)


Understanding Easter vs. Resurrection and Passover


Faith is About More Than My Personal Success


Overcoming the Devastation of the Past




Householder’s Treasure

– Midweek short video clips that posted in the Hearts and Homes Community Site.


Faith to Receive


Building Relationships in the Local Church Community


God's Strength


What God Allows vs. What Is God's Will




Books and Blogs


AFTER THE FIRE - Dr. DeVata Davis


AFTER THE FIRE (Part 2) -  Dr. DeVata Davis


Why Your Church Needs a Mental Health Ministry


Why the Church Must Address the Mental Health Crisis of the Next Generation


Rest, Retreats, Revival and Other Comedies: You are Success in Process


Responding with CARE: Listening, Lifting and Launching




Health and Wellness

Breaking the Silence and Stigma on Mental Health Struggles


Family Mental and Emotional Health


For Christian Lovers Only - Drs. Clarence and Ja’Ola Walker


Elephant in the Room – Honest Conversation about Mental Health in the Church


Can We Talk? – Relational Challenges of Blended Families

You are a Genius – Prof. Mateus Mutola (Mozambique, Africa)


STEP Forward Life Institute

– Add to your faith…. Knowledge. Continue to be equipped and empowered for the work of the ministry in your home and community.


Life Coach Certification Course Now Available 24/7/365


Become CARE-Ready®, Even If You Don’t Want to Be a Certified Life Coach


Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity


Life Education Certificate Courses


Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Fruitful Life Launches Spiritual Care and Wellness Support Group

The Fruitful Life Learning Community officially launched a Spiritual Care and Wellness Support Group as part of its overall commitment to provide a safe space where people of faith can share their struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, social or spiritual health issues with others who will listen to, offer support, and pray with them. 

This ministry also resources participants through an online teaching platform; providing what is called FRUITFUL LIFE EDUCATION: which is practical instruction, Biblical wisdom and spiritual insight for participants to receive healing within their own hearts, and then the ability to share their extraordinary transformation with the rest of their family or friends.

“Smaller-sized gatherings don't work for everyone,” concede the Fruitful Life founders Chris and Carol Green, “but they might work for some or just a few. But this smaller percentage does not mean that these Believer's journey to healing and fulfilling their purpose does not matter. We must make room for them as well. And we have been called to dedicate our time and energy for those precious few.”

Before there was a religion called Christianity, there was a movement known as THE WAY.  Participants gathered primarily in their homes for centuries; long before religious and governmental leaders persuaded them to congregate in massive buildings. 

Chris and Carol Green launched the Fruitful Life Learning Community as an intentional effort to help people of Faith and Christian leaders return to some of the original simple lifestyles and the mission that demonstrated God's love and healing daily in hearts, homes, neighborhoods and cities.

“We know that our participants were simply looking for relationship, first,” the Greens explain.  “That's why our ministry seems to identify best with people who seek a non-traditional faith practice. Yes, we are still part of the Church-at-large, but we are connecting with those who were missed, skipped over, passed over, or they simply slipped through the cracks of congregational settings.”

The Spiritual Care Wellness Support Group meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:00PM Eastern Time, on Zoom

Learn more at