Greetings Fruitful Life Family, Friends and Followers:
As you know, Fruitful Life is a community and ministry of soul care and spiritual wellness for all of us who are facing battles and struggles in mental, emotional, physical, financial, occupational, or relationship challenges; or simply working through life's many setbacks and sidetracks. We are overcoming together as we turn to God and coming alongside others who will listen, offer support, and pray with us through the journey.
In February our STEP Forward Life Institute graduated and launched another student from its coaching program; which means we now have coaches in 12 states.
Learn more at the following link: Life Coach Graduation and Certification
February is also known as Black History Month. Here are two video messages that we posted for all to consider, not only during that month, but also throughout the year.
Race in America - Part 1
Race in America - Part 2
Midweek Connection Schedule
Feel free to join our weekly Midweek Soul Care and Spiritual Wellness Support Group as we unite from coast to coast in the United States.
Wednesdays at 7:00PM Eastern Time, USA
The Zoom link is
· Prayer Watch – intercession for families and communities
· Peer Support
· Bible Study through the lenses of Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring
Sunday Fruitful LIFE Cast
Sunday Video Postings in February
Add to Your Faith: Virtue (Part 1)
Add to Your Faith: Virtue (Part 2)
Add to Your Faith: Knowledge of God
Add to Your Faith: Self Control
Midweek Connection Archive
Recordings from Wednesday Online Sessions in February
Midweek Prayer Watch: Ambassadors of God's Government
Your Family's Kingdom Mandate
What it Means to Minister to the Lord
Encouraged to Continue in Care and Compassion-Based Ministry
Health and Wellness
Mental Health and Wellness Support
Self-Care Essentials: R.I.S.E. (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC, CMLC-T)
Christianity and Mental Health (Uniting Faith and Counseling)
Life Care Training (Amethyst Roberson, MA, LPC, NCC, CMLC-T)
Elephant in the Room: Mental Health and Wellness in the Church
The Latest Blogs
Articles, News and Updates
Community Connections
Books and Publications
Rest, Retreats, Revival and Other Comedies
Renovation in Hearts and Homes
Processed for Success (Free e-Book Download)
YouTube Video Channel
Fruitful Life’s Video Archives
Fruitful Life-Cast
Responding with CARE Podcasts
STEP Forward Life Institute
"You don't have to light up the whole world. That will happen as each one of us brightens the part of the world where God has placed us.”
Personal Growth and Spiritual Maturity
Fruitful Life Education Certificate Courses
Our Resource Library – Recommended Books and Courses
Staying Connected
Join the Fruitful Life Learning Community’s Social Media Support Group Pages
Both of these are wonderful spaces to keep up with teaching series, encouraging video clips, prayer postings, and stay up to date with what God is speaking and doing in other ministries around the country and all over the world.
1.) The Upper Room
2.) Fruitful Hearts and Homes
Support Chris and Carol and their Work at