Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Anticipation of Liberation


Sometimes the Lord will send us a very nice surprise that encourages us to keep moving forward in His purpose. Last Saturday, as we tried to anticipate a very low attendance for our Sunday gathering, we were invited to lunch.

We found ourselves meeting with pastors from the Cleveland Ohio area, who ministered to us and strengthened our very souls. Words of confirmation were given to us that brought instant healing from the blows we have taken over the years here in Harrisburg. There were words of knowledge that they could not have possibly known; that confirmed a calling on our lives that no one has ever known except our overseer. There were words of wisdom that solidified our hearts so that we could understand our time and know what we should do (like the sons of Issachar).

We just love how the Lord will send His word at the most unexpected times and from the most unexpected people. Before that meeting, we were a bit down because most of our church family was going to be either working or out of town. At the most, we guessed that we’d probably have about four people in attendance unless a few visitors were going to surprise us. But God had a different surprise waiting for us.

All we had to do was accept an invitation, which led to a proclamation that gave us liberation in the midst of our situation. Now we can live in anticipation of a new level of emancipation.

We share this with you today because we know that when the Lord speaks to the apostolic leadership of a church family, the resulting anointing flows to the Body of Believers that they serve.

Today, you might be a bit down because you are anticipating some level of disappointment. However, we are extending an invitation for you to connect with your church family this Sunday, so that we can worship and pray together. Don’t allow your present disappointment to cause you to miss your divine appointment.

Throughout the remainder of this week, set aside time with God. Play your favorite worship CD or DVD and just begin to pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Let Him speak into your heart and your situation. Then make plans to accept this invitation to dine at His table with your brother and brothers.

Many Believers, today, have very strange habits and patterns. At least they are foreign to us. It is foreign to us that when life and relationships get worse and worse that Believers stop attending church, even if it is a ministry where they know they can get prayer and a Word for their situation. Perhaps they are expecting some type of INSTANT change and don’t want to work through the process to reach healing and victory. We’re not sure.

However we know that for every situation, God sends His Word. And if we receive the Word, and submit to that Word, the Word will change US, even if the situation doesn’t change. Perhaps that’s the reason many Believers stop attending church when crisis hits their life. Maybe they don’t want God to change THEM. They may want God to only change their situation.

We’ve been walking with the Lord for a very long time now and we can declare this with full assurance:  God does not change the situations first. No matter what it is: marriage, family, finances, or employer. He doesn’t start by changing our spouse, He changes us. He doesn’t change your bitter and evil family member, He changes us. He doesn’t give us more money. He changes our attitude and understanding about money. He doesn't change our supervisor, He changes us.

So this Midweek Connection is an invitation to your liberation. This Sunday’s corporate prayer and Holy Communion are not going to be about freedom FROM your situation, but it’s going to be about freedom IN your situation.