Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A Prophetic Charge

We are very thankful that you guys are praying for us as we continue to seek God's face about the future for Urban Life. In last week's Midweek Connection, we presented many of our questions, but this week we can report that God has sent His word.

On the last Sunday in March, we ministered together at Cumberland Valley Church in Mechanicsburg, PA. After sharing in song and the word, the Lord led the pastor and the congregation to pray for us. As the Cumberland Valley Church congregation prayed for us, they had no idea what challenges we were facing. The Lord had previously promised that we would have a clear word by the first of April. He fulfilled that promise by sending this prophetic charge:

* When Chris started to pray I heard these words and this is a very hard thing for all of us to understand. God is negotiating for us. We want to do the negotiation out of our power, our strength and our might. But God spoke to me very plainly. This is for you Chris, too and your wife.  God is negotiating for us.  

We need to step back and know who our God is and not try to negotiate; to negotiate for something that we might want, but let Him negotiate for us.  We don’t want to get ahead of Him. We want to walk with Him because He is our negotiator.  A lot of us don’t know that, but He is our negotiator, and He will do what is best for each and every one of us, if we let Him negotiate for us.  

Sometimes we try to manipulate Him which turns into witchcraft. We cannot manipulate Him. We have to let Him do the negotiating.  We are seated in heavenly places and we have a right to His throne room, but it all comes down to... “not my will, but Your will Lord. And I cast down my selfish desires and what I think is best for me, and I just submit myself to Your authority, and I give my life over to You, and my situations over to You; because I know that You are my God.” ...and let Him do the negotiating.  Let Him do the negotiating.

* Lord, I want to thank You for the seed that he (Pastor Chris) has been willing to sow; and for the time that they’ve put in, in the sowing room.  As sure as we know that there’s a time for sowing and a time for harvest, we thank You that You are bringing them into a season of harvest, Lord.  We thank You Lord;  we thank You!

* You think you have seen rivers of living water? You have not seen the flood that I am about to pour through you for the Kingdom of God; that I am preparing you for. Your whole life has been a preparation for what I am bringing you into, and you have been found faithful.  You have been found a servant of the Most High God; for I will flow rivers and floods and tsunamis. And everything that you can imagine, it will be beyond that, says the Lord.

For you are my children; you are my son and my daughter of the Most High God and I will open your vision. You will see things and hear things that you thought you could never hear and see; but I am going to broaden your vision and extend your tent stakes; that they are going to be so beyond things, that you are going to say, “Only but God, only but God could do something like this!”

And I am going to put people around you that have the vision that you have, because I am going to spread it in their minds as well. And they are going to hook hands with you and join with you all over this town and this city and this area; and you’re going to make a wall for God, a wall for God, and a high tower for the kingdom of God.

All we can say is YES and Amen!

Ever since September of 2014, when Abby Abildness released a profound prophetic word over us and this ministry, everywhere we have gone, God has given us confirmation after confirmation. Each person that has spoken into our lives has declared that God is doing far more than we could possibly imagine.

After ten long years of toil, we were beginning to think that our role in this community was over. We felt that, perhaps, we were sent to just prepare the soil and plant a few seeds, and it was time for us to move on to another assignment. However, the Lord has made it clear that our role in this community is not quite finished.

By the way, that night was our first speaking engagement in this new era. That night marked the 10th anniversary of our public ministry in this community. Now all aspects of the foundational years of Urban Life have been completed. We have truly stepped into a brand new season.

Now we must all prepare for whatever God desires to do in our hearts, homes, community and ministry.

It's all for the harvest,

Chris and Carol Green