Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Praying In Perilous Times

We wish we could put into words, the urgency that we feel right now. All we know is that we can sense that something is on the horizon and the Spirit of God is calling us to pray NOW. The urgency is beyond words. All we can say is that if you can hear the voice of God telling us to respond now. We’re dropping our schedule and changing our plans. Starting this Sunday, it’s all about prayer in this Faith family. 

The so-called church-growth experts have spoken. Many of us have tried to implement their ideas and strategies, but nothing has changed. Church attendance continues to plummet in our nation, while the entertainment industry continues to grow. People are looking for comfort and security. People are looking for wealth and relief.

Even within the four walls of many churches, the congregants are looking for the same things. The only difference is that they are turning to God to try to get Him to give them what they want. But God is not to be mocked in this hour. 

It’s time to seek God’s FACE and stop seeking His hand; simply asking Him to do stuff and give us stuff to make our lives comfortable. It’s time to chase Him, abandoning all else for His will alone.

We’re not going to start a teaching series about prayer. We’re going to PRAY. For those who have never been in this kind of situation before, just follow our lead. We’ll try to show you what to do. We’ll teach you as we’re doing it.

I woke up one morning last week singing the old hymn, “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.”
If there was ever a time to walk in the reality of that song, this is that time.

I feel like I did just before 9/11/01. Back then; I didn’t know what to do with what I was sensing. Over ten years later, we know what to do this time. We're praying!