Sunday, May 2, 2021

STEP Forward Institute Awards Three Certifications to Fruitful Life's Longest Standing Member

Head Professors Chris and Carol Green presented the first official certifications from the STEP Forward Life Prospectus Institute to the Fruitful Life Learning Community's longest standing member, Mary Dennis. Affectionately known as Mom Dennis, she has earned a Certification in Biblical Foundations, Certification in Ministry and Community Service, and Certification in Family and Community Leadership.

"As we organized our various classes and courses for our online school of community service and ministry we realized Mom Dennis has already attended enough classes through the years to earn certifications," explains Chris Green, "When we explored the attendance records through the years, we calculated that she had already earned three of the four certifications that our Institute offers. She has also earned a certificate of completion in the Community CARE-Ready Responder Training.​"

Mary was presented her Certifications during the live stream broadcast of the Fruitful Life Learning Community on Sunday, May 2, 2021.

Mary Dennis came to Fruitful Life when it began in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in September of 2004. Before coming to Fruitful Life, she served faithfully in Emmanuel Church of God in Christ for over 40 years. Most notably she was known for her service in Intercessory Prayer. She held noon-day prayer gatherings in homes, before it was moved into the church facility. In one of those prayer gatherings, her daughter (Carol) was filled with the Holy Spirit. Little did she know that her daughter would become an ordained minister.

She was an appointed ministry gift to her church, serving in helps and administration. She assisted her sister, the late Willa Mae Barbee in the church’s food bank and served as the church’s secretary. She worked as a manager at Presbyterian Apartments, a complex specifically designed for senior citizens. There, God made her a gift of compassion and encouragement to elderly citizens. She was greatly loved and the residents absolutely hated to see her go when her employment came to an end there.

She has led in Intercessory prayer in Fruitful Life's weekly public gatherings and continues to stand in intercession for this ministry on a daily basis. 

"​It is was also our honor a couple of years ago to acknowledge her many years of service and provide ordination and covering for her ministry appointment in intercessory prayer," concluded Professors Chris Green disclosed during the online ceremony. "At that time we acknowledged her ministry role as a mature elder and servant leader in the Body of Christ. Today we honor and acknowledge her biblical education achievements as well."

Success Through Experience and Process (STEP) Forward Life Prospectus Institute is an online learning, faith-based, non-governmental, Biblical education platform that offers accredited ministry certifications. Students can earn these ministry accredited certifications by watching teaching videos, and completing assignments and/or exams based on their studies.