It’s that time again. It’s the holiday season. It’s time for family, fellowship, food and.... controversy.
Following Thanksgiving, people usually start to immediately prepare for December 25th. That's because the day after Thanksgiving is the "official" start of the holiday shopping season.
In the midst of global political and economic upheaval, people are struggling, trying to find a way to still celebrate the holiday season. The entire year has been challenging and even as it wraps up, it still shows no sign of letting up on the relentless assault on our lives.
In years past, people of various faiths and religious beliefs have furiously battled over the appropriate way to deal with the holiday season. Even within Christianity there are debates about the way December 25th should be celebrated, or if it should be celebrated at all.
Every year, we take advantage of this annual holiday launch to start talking about Christmas and how it differs from other December 25th celebrations in America today.
Did you know that millions of people believe that neither Christmas or any of the other December 25th winter solstice holiday customs should be celebrated at all?
Perhaps you are one of them.
When you learn about some of its background and history you can understand why. Here are just a few reasons why it is not celebrated in many sectors of American society. You might have family or friends who feel this way:
1.) December 25th is just a capitalistic marketing ploy to manipulate the masses to spend money.
2.) There is no Christian church validation that Jesus was really born on December 25th.
3.) December 25th is a day on which Jews have been shamed, tortured and murdered.
4.) Many of the most popular December 25th customs – including trees, mistletoe, stockings and Santa Claus – are modern reincarnations of pagan rituals.
5.) Most December 25th customs evolved from pagan rituals and practices and, therefore, should never be observed.
We agree that these are all very strong arguments for not participating in the festivities of the holiday. Many preachers across America will accurately and systematically destroy any reason a Christian Believer could possibly be connected to modern-day rituals associated with this season of the year.
However, as you know, we have built a reputation in addressing controversial topics and we’re about to add more fuel to that fire.
Many Christians and religious people have taken the position that it is wrong to embrace things that were perverted and sinful in their origins. They feel we should never attempt to use these things for God. However, that's exactly what God did for us. Even though we were born in sin and shaped in iniquity, Christ died for us while we were still sinners. For anyone who receives Him, He gives them the power to become children of God. He changes us and sets us apart for His purpose. He didn't allow our sinful origins to keep us away from His divine purpose.
Now, as His children, we have the opportunity to take advantage of a season that has very negative origins and highly commercialized, money-making schemes. This is one of the special times in which our families can be exposed to the reality of Christ and the true reason why He came to earth.
We believe that we must do much more than just debate about all the reasons why we should not celebrate December 25th. Most people simply REACT to the negative aspects of this date. We believe that we need to provide Believers some Godly ways to RESPOND to this season.
Beginning this week, we want to give you Five Godly Responses to December 25th.
This week we’re presenting response #1: Become All Things to All Men.
In 1 Corinthians 9:18-23, Paul writes, "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you."
We see the holiday season as the perfect opportunity to connect with many different kinds of people. This scripture does not mean that we become hypocrites and pretenders in order to indulge in secular practices. This is talking about connecting with people ON THEIR LEVEL of understanding. This is about identifying with them, the same way Christ identified with all of mankind.
Don't shun people because of what they believe or practice during this season. Don't isolate yourself from the office party or the family gathering because they may have traditions or rituals that are against your beliefs. Become all things to all men, so that you might by all means save some.
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