Monday, August 2, 2021


Excerpt from Our Lyrical Life

My pastor called a meeting

He had something to say

A list of things of which we all must turn away

As he read the list through 

One item caught me that day

To turn from making idols of sacrifices made 

The greatest songs are never heard

The greatest poems are not in words

The greatest drama can’t be seen

On a movie screen

And if there’s no Grammy for your voice

No Nobel Prize or People’s Choice

When you stand before the Holy One

He will say with open arms, “Well Done”

Sometimes I have a habit

Of feeling sorry for myself

I worship the greatness of my contributions

Place my trophies on a shelf

But when I see the cross

And the blood spilled for me

I toss my medals to the ground

And worship at His feet 



There will never be a substitute

No gift I give or treasure

And nothing will ever mean more

Than just to have His presence